Imagine what it would be like to see colors you couldn't describe. It would be somewhere between a curse and a superpower. it wouldn't get you into any nightclub, but it would suggest that there is literally more than what meets the eye.
This happened in 1983. Scientists published results in Science of an experiment where they overrode the opponency mechanism in their human test subject's eyes. I'm not sure I fully understand how the eye perceives color, but these scientists were able to manipulate the subject's eyes so they could see color they could not describe with a simple "green" or "red". The edges between the differences in colors blurred.
Sindha Agha compares this phenomena to how the pandemic has altered our sense of time ,and how we don't have a great vocabulary to describe the strange experience of floating along. We can say something felt "fast" or "slow" and that's about it. We accept that time is not something to hold down, but we try anyway.
“It kind of embarrassed me - Humans taking the unfathomable expanse of time and refining into hours. The universe is 13.8 billion years old, who are we to assert the importance of a minute?”