The weekend got away in a good way. I spent Saturday with some new friends, bouncing around New York from food festival to bar to dinner to another bar. I left at a respectable 10pm and slept hard.
Today was Easter and I spent a better part of the day with the family and breakfast foods. It always feels like a tornado of activity. My brother did most of the hosting and threw together the scrambled eggs, sausages, and organized some pickups for bagels, rolls, and the rest. Plus, my mom and him bought a new rug and laid it down the night before while I was out getting beers and hanging with new friends.
All in all, it was a good time, and I was glad to spend it. Now I'm thinking about the beginning of the week, and keeping it cool and quiet, sitting in my living room with the lights off and the breeze rolling in.
I want to start running but there is no good track nearby my apartment. Sprinting is the goal, actually. Which becomes a bit harder when it's almost guaranteed to snow a bit tomorrow morning. Damn.
Plus, I've been rolling around this idea of the internet being too much for the brain but the structure hasn't hit me enough to publish yet.
I've been reading Steven Pressfield's War of Art, so the concept of Resistance just becomes clearer. And I'm glad to write these ten-minute blogs, but I really need to start publishing and with that, going pro. Pressfield considers going pro to be a change in mindset and professionalism. It's not about money, it's a commitment and seriousness to fight Resistance on a regular basis. And I want to get there but I think I'd be lying to myself right now if I said I already decided. I'm not sure what I'm waiting for to agree to go pro, but I'm almost there. I think the publishing goes side by side.
It's a decision. And I think these short blogs are my daily fight. I want to make art. I want to write down my thoughts. No one is here to stop me but me. And it's been good so far. Keep going.
The fear is that I'll publish something undone. But most art is, right? Who knows? You can't know how others are going to take it. You just need to know what you're comfortable with doing in order to do more. I don't want to spend two weeks on a blog post that doesn't deserve two weeks. I want to publish and move on. Get topics under my belt. Write like a writer. Like a pro.
I'm thinking while I'm typing that life would be so different if this needed to be written on a typewriter. Either I'd need to go to typing class to get better, or think a bit slower so as to not type the wrong letters or words. White-out would not be enough. So many mistakes. But hell that's the whole idea. Get better. Move on.
Tomorrow is Monday after all. A great time to start, if not now.
Where did I leave the internet argument?
Marshall McLuhan's light bulb idea introduces the concept that a medium shapes your world, not necessarily the content.
The Internet has created a world of wonders - instant communication, entertainment, and access with the cost of our personal information, surveillance, and attention attacks. It's a whole new world.
But what am I trying to say that's even more interesting and funny about it?
Are we headed for trouble? Are we doing it wrong? What's up?